Correct Posture For Playing Piano
The most natural and easiest way to enjoy being a musician is to sit and start playing the piano right away. As a music enthusiast, you may feel tempted to touch the keys and immerse yourself within the sounds of this majestic instrument. We focus on improving our techniques and theoretical knowledge to upgrade our skills but leave out a few intricacies like maintaining a correct posture. Most often, we do not realize that maintaining a correct posture can drastically improve your performance. An improper posture can be a nightmare for musicians as it can cause aches and pains. If not rectified at the right time, maintaining a wrong posture can become a habit. To relish a great piano playing experience, follow these guidelines to ensure correct posture.
The right bench – Get yourself the right bench to set things right from the very beginning. A height adjustable bench would be the best option as it allows you to try it at different heights and find your own comfort zone. Also, a height adjustable bench is recommended if the piano is used by multiple people. Ensure you are completely comfortable with the height of the bench before you start playing. It is absolutely fine to repeatedly try and adjust the height of the bench until you feel comfortable.
Straight back – Playing with a crooked back can cause your back to get strained and aches, therefore reducing your durability. Hence, do not forget to keep your back straight while playing the piano. Also, keep your shoulders relaxed while playing the piano to perform effortlessly. However, you can lean towards the piano slightly to feel more comfortable.
Use the fingertips – One of the most overlooked aspects of playing piano is the proper way to use the fingers. As a newcomer, most of the people put their fingers flat on the keys, using the face of the finger to press them. The correct way is to keep your fingers curved and place the fingertips on the keys to play more effectively. It might be uncomfortable in the beginning, but gets easier with time. Playing this way helps your fingers to gain more control over the piano and play a slow, medium or a fast piece with ease.
Feet placement – It is uncomfortable to change the position of your feet in between the performance. Hence, keep the feet at the right position to press pedals if required.
Bench placement – The bench placement should be such that it allows you to reach the high and low keys with comfort, thus enabling you to perform smoothly.
Maintaining correct posture is an essential part of playing the piano. It will help you play for longer periods of time with a continuous flow. Therefore, ensure a correct posture to experience a smoother and effective piano playing.